Stephen Hurrel

Stephen Hurrel works with video, sound, sculpture, text, photography and objects. His work is often relational and takes into account the wider ecology of people and place. Stephen utilizes image, sound and story and often combines fact and fiction to create other ways of perceiving an environment. The resulting work may be experienced in art venues or public spaces. In recent years the artist has focused on making work in relation to specific journeys and expeditions undertaken in marine environments. From these he produces work that taps into socio-ecological aspects at play and how these relate to broader issues.


Stephen Hurrel has shown work in exhibitions, art and media festivals, and public spaces in Europe, America, New Zealand, Australia and Sri Lanka, including work in Generation – 25 years of Contemporary Art in Scotland, 2014.

Image titles:

1. I am not a tourist (2015)
Photo work derived from a performance event during a Suramedura residency in Sri Lanka (2015)

2. Clyde Reflections (33mins, 2014)
Installation in Gallery of Modern Art (GoMA), Glasgow, 2015 (Produced in collaboration with social ecologist Dr Ruth Brennan)

3. The Sea, The Sails and the White, White Blades (20mins loop, 2014)
Installation at Timespan, Helmsdale for ‘Generation’ (2014). Three-screen video installation, environmental sounds and glass-blown forms

4. Beneath and Beyond: Seismic Sounds (various configurations 2008 to present)
Installation at Museum of Science and Industry (MOSI) Manchester (2013). Live data-feed from seismic monitoring stations around the world, via the Internet. Video projection, six speakers, sub-woofer, computer and bespoke software