Conditions of Membership and Code of Conduct
Published APRIL 2015
The Conditions of Membership outlines the rules, regulations and policies of Glasgow Sculpture Studios.
Members are required to abide by the current conditions as set out in this document and are required to retain this document for their own information.
Application for Membership or renewal of Membership indicates that Members agree to abide by current Health and Safety regulations implemented by Glasgow Sculpture Studios and the Conditions of Membership & Code of Conduct, as set out in this document.
All Members are subsequently required to undertake a compulsory building induction to enable ongoing access to the facilities at The Whisky Bond.
A Production Facilities induction will also be a compulsory requirement by all Members wishing to access these facilities. GSS hold a record of Members’ inductions to enable access to specific equipment and machinery.
New Members are required to meet with a Technician, who will assess membership skill levels.
Members can request inductions so that they can skills build and subsequently access more facilities and equipment.
Glasgow Sculpture Studios reserves the right to alter or update, without prior notice, the Conditions of Membership. Such alterations will be posted on the members' notice board in the Research Resource and circulated via e-mail. Current members are bound to such alterations.
The following rules apply to all individuals and groups wishing non-assisted access to the facilities:
1.1 General Membership Information
All memberships are annual and expire 12 months later
Memberships are not transferable
Full membership of Glasgow Sculpture Studios is only available to professional, practicing artists
New Members/applicants are required to demonstrate artistic competence and proof of professional status and activity through the completion of a formal application form
Annual updates of artistic activity are required to continue to receive subsidised support and access to facilities
This information is required by our main funders, Creative Scotland and Glasgow City Council (Culture & Sport Glasgow) as part of our annual funding application update, to justify ongoing funding of the organization and subsequent subsidy and support for artists
Associate membership caters for artists, writers, curators, academics, researchers and public audiences who do not require use of GSS’ production facilities but wish to have access to the dedicated communal social and interactive spaces with learning, research and professional development resources such as the meeting room, library, IT suite and social space
Glasgow Sculpture Studios reserves the right to refuse or terminate, without financial liability, membership to those who do not fulfill, or are in breach of the Conditions of Membership
Members wishing to use the production facilities must be competent to do so, either from past experience or by having successfully completed an induction or training course
Associate membership does not entitle access to the production facilities
1.2 Membership Criteria
Full Artist members of Glasgow Sculpture Studios must provide the following to received subsidised support:
1. A demonstrated commitment to contemporary sculptural practices
2. A demonstrated quality of artistic practice
3. A clear demonstration of need for access to communal production facilities
4. A willingness to actively contribute artistically, intellectually and socially to the shared vision and ethos of GSS
5. A demonstration of how access to the facilities will contribute to the development of the applicants’ career
6. Proof of Third Party Insurance to provide personal cover for accident or injury to persons, or damage to their equipment or belongings (including that belonging to GSS
Glasgow Sculpture Studios provides artists with a safe and supportive environment for the fabrication, presentation and dissemination of contemporary sculptural practices.
The following Code of Conduct is designed to cover the main areas of the required standards of behaviour and performance.
The code includes the Company Rules of Glasgow Sculpture Studios, which all Members are required to comply with, and examples of misconduct which Glasgow Sculpture Studios regards as Gross Misconduct. A breach of the Company Rules will render a Member or employee liable to disciplinary action in accordance with the Disciplinary Procedure. An instance of Gross Misconduct will render a Member liable to termination of Membership without notice.
The Company Rules and the examples of misconduct are not exhaustive. Members and employees are under a duty to comply with the standards of behaviour and performance required by Glasgow Sculpture Studios, and to behave in a reasonable manner, at all times.
2.1 Equality Rules & Regulations
All members and employees should maintain a standard of behaviour, whilst in property, that is considered by the Board of Directors to be acceptable.
All members and employees must act in a courteous manner towards one another.
If a Member or employee is considered to have behaved below this standard, the complainant may take the matter further through the Disciplinary or Grievance Procedures set out below.
2.2 Equal Opportunity Statement
Glasgow Sculpture Studios is committed to equality of opportunity in its employment practices and Membership scheme. It aims to ensure that any potential or actual employee/member does not receive unfavourable treatment as a result or discrimination or harassment.
In particular this includes unfavourable treatment on the grounds of race, colour, ethnic or national origins, marital or parental status, sex, sexual orientation, disability, religious beliefs, age, size or HIV antibody status (including diagnosed AIDS).
Glasgow Sculpture Studios is committed to identifying and eliminating any such discriminatory practices, procedures and attitudes throughout the organisation. It believes that all Members and employees are entitled to be treated with dignity and respect while at their place of work and also when representing Glasgow Sculpture Studios in any capacity outside of work.
Glasgow Sculpture Studios expects Members and employees to support this commitment and to assist in all possible ways.
The aim of this policy is to prevent discrimination, provide guidance to resolve any problem should it occur and prevent recurrence.
Glasgow Sculpture Studios also ensures that procedures are kept under review so that all Members and employees are given equal opportunity in respect of discipline, grievance and appeals.
The Board of Directors of Glasgow Sculpture Studios is committed to making this equal-opportunity policy work.
2.3 Definition of Discrimination and Harassment
Discrimination or harassment is unwanted conduct of a sexual, racial or disability nature directed towards a Member or employee by a fellow Member or employee (or group thereof) which is regarded as unwelcome and offensive by the recipient.
This may include:
Unwanted physical contact, ranging from touching to serious assault
Unwelcome sexual advances, propositions, suggestions or pressure to participate in social activities outside the premises where it has been made clear that this is not welcome
Conduct which is intimidating, such as physical, verbal and non-verbal abuse. This includes the display of sexually explicit or racially offensive material, the use of sexually explicit or racially offensive humour, and comments of a discriminatory nature, whether directed specifically at any particular individual or not
It is the impact of this behaviour which is relevant, not the motive or intended aim.
2.4 Members & Employees’ Responsibilities on Equalities
All Members and employees have the right to work in an environment which is free from any form of harassment. All have a responsibility to help ensure a working environment in which the dignity of Members and employees is respected; All must ensure their behaviour to colleagues, staff or clients does not cause offence and could not in any way be considered to be harassment. Glasgow Sculpture Studios fully recognises Members’ and employees’ right to complain about harassment should it occur and recommends the following procedure:
2.5 Informal Complaint
Where a Member or employee does not view the harassment as serious or where it is not repeated and the Member/employee simply wants the behaviour to stop, they should approach the alleged harasser directly, making it clear to the person(s) harassing them that the behaviour is offensive, is not welcome and that it should be stopped.
Where the Member or employee finds this difficult or embarrassing, they may request a senior member of the management team to approach the alleged harasser informally on their behalf.
2.6 Formal Complaint
The formal complaints procedure is appropriate if the Member or employee views any harassment to which they have been subjected as serious, if they prefer this method or if the harassment continues after the informal procedure has been used. All formal complaints will be dealt with seriously, promptly and confidentially under Glasgow Sculpture Studios’ Disciplinary or Grievance Procedures.
Formal complaints should be made in accordance with the Disciplinary or Grievance Procedures as appropriate to the situation. An investigation will be conducted to clarify and formally record the nature of the complaint and the events surrounding the complaint, and will include meetings with anyone who can assist with the investigation. During this time, every effort will be made to distance the associated parties from each other.
2.7 If a Member is accused of Discrimination or Harassment
If a Member or employee is accused of acting in a discriminatory manner towards a fellow Member or employee, or if they are accused of harassment, they will be given a proper opportunity to rebut the allegation as part of the investigation, and provide an explanation of their actions.
If it is concluded that there was no discrimination or harassment, this will be the end of the matter. If it is concluded that a false claim has been maliciously made against another member or employee, the person or persons responsible may be subject to disciplinary action.
If it is concluded that they have acted in a discriminatory manner, or have harassed another Member or employee, the Management will consider what action to take. This may range from counselling to formal disciplinary action, including termination of membership in serious cases.
2.8 Management Responsibilities on Equalities
The Management of Glasgow Sculpture Studios is the guardian of equality of opportunity within the organisation. Equal Opportunities are part of the larger management responsibility of ensuring harmonious working environments for both Members and employees. This will be impossible to achieve if individuals feel that they are being treated unfairly.
Where problems or complaints arise, the Management must take these seriously and make sure they are fully investigated and that any necessary follow-up action is taken. This may include initiating disciplinary action against members or employees who have committed acts of discrimination or harassment.
2.9 Monitoring and Updating Equal Opportunities Policy
Equal Opportunities practice is developing constantly as social attitudes and legislation change. Glasgow Sculpture Studios will monitor the effectiveness of its policies and will implement changes where these could improve equality of opportunity. This commitment applies to all the Company’s employment policies and procedures, not just those specifically connected with equal opportunity.
2.10 General Rules & Regulations
Glasgow Sculpture Studios also has rules concerning smoking, drinking alcohol, illegal drugs, eating and drinking, and tidiness:
Smoking is not permitted anywhere on the premises
Drinking alcohol is not permitted in the production facilities
Illegal drugs are not permitted on the premises
All staff and members are not permitted to work on the premises if they are under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs
Eating and drinking are only permitted in the kitchen and eating area of the Social Space
All members are responsible for the disposal, clearing, cleaning and storing of items used and personal refuse created through the above
No animals (with the exception of guide dogs) are permitted on the premises
2.11 Standards and Conduct
Members and employees are required to:
Co-operate fully with Management, and to ensure the maintenance of acceptable standards of politeness
Ensure that they do not behave in a discriminatory manner
Comply with all reasonable Management instructions
Comply with Glasgow Sculpture Studios’ Operating Policies and Procedures
Not make use of Glasgow Sculpture Studios’ telephone, fax, or postal facilities and services without management permission
2.12 Production Facilities Rules & Regulations
Many of the processes utilised in the production facilities involve the use of potentially dangerous materials, chemicals and machinery. Members are expected at all times to follow safe practice, and if in doubt to seek immediate guidance from a member of staff.
It is the responsibility of the member to know the correct procedures and to be familiar with guidelines, rules and regulations that are a requirement for using the facilities. These are communicated through the induction process and updates to policies and guidelines are communicated through e-mail correspondence or briefing through members’ Forums.
Machinery instructions are available in the inductions folder, kept in the woodshop. Power tool manuals are available on request.
Unauthorised visitors are not permitted access to our Production Facilities
Work Clothing
Members and employees are required to dress in a manner appropriate to the function in which they are engaged when working within the Production Facilities
Members and employees are required to wear any relevant or required personal protective clothes or equipment, provided at their expense, when working within the Production Facilities
Health and Safety
Members are required to gain an understanding of Glasgow Sculpture Studios’ Health and Safety procedures, observe them, and ensure that safety equipment and clothing is always used
All accidents, however small, must be reported to management as soon as possible, and an entry made in the Company’s Accident Book
Company Property
Members and employees are not permitted to take Glasgow Sculpture Studios’ property or equipment from the Company’s premises, without Management authorisation
If a Member damages equipment belonging to Glasgow Sculpture Studios, either through misuse or carelessness, Glasgow Sculpture Studios reserves the right to charge the relevant member for the repair or replacement of the damaged equipment
Members are solely responsible for the safety of their personal possessions while in Company’s premises. Members must ensure that their possessions are at all times kept in a safe place
Members who find an item of (other’s) personal property on the premises are required to inform the Management immediately
2.13 Environment
In order to provide a cost effective service, Members are requested to use Glasgow Sculpture Studios equipment, materials and services wisely. Members should try to reduce wastage and the subsequent impact on the environment by ensuring windows are closed, unnecessary lighting and heating is not used, taps are not left running, equipment is not left switched on when no longer in use and that materials are handled with care.
2.14 Changes In Personal Details
Members must notify the Management of any change in personal details, including change of name, address, telephone number, e-mail address. This will ensure Glasgow Sculpture Studios maintains accurate personal details in compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998, and is able to contact you or another designated person in case of an emergency.
2.15 Gross Misconduct
Set out below are examples of behaviour which Glasgow Sculpture Studios treats as Gross Misconduct. Such behaviour will render termination of Membership without notice. Members should note that this list is not exhaustive:
Theft, dishonesty or fraud
Smoking within the premises
Assault, acts of violence or aggression
Unacceptable use of obscene or abusive language
Possession or use of non-prescribed drugs on Glasgow Sculpture Studios premises
Use of alcohol in non-designated areas of Glasgow Sculpture Studios premises (production facilities etc.)
Wilful damage to Glasgow Sculpture Studios, other Members or employee’s, or public property
Unlawful Sex, Race, or Disability Discrimination
Refusal to carry out reasonable Management instructions
Gambling, bribery or corruption
Acts of indecency or sexual harassment
Serious breach of the Health and Safety policies and procedures
Unauthorised access to or use of Company computer data
Copying of Company computer software
2.16 Reporting a Breach of Code of Conduct by Members
Any complaints concerning points raised in the Code of Conduct should be reported to the senior member of staff present at Glasgow Sculpture Studios at the time. That member of staff has the authority to ‘counsel’ those in breach of rules or if the situation is significantly serious, instruct the complained-against member(s) to leave the studio and not return that day. That same member of staff is responsible for reporting serious matters to the Management as soon as possible so that investigatory procedures may begin.
2.17 Disciplinary procedure
The primary objective of the disciplinary procedure is to ensure that all cases relating to a breach of the Code of Conduct or Equal Opportunities Policy, are dealt with fairly and consistently, to resolve any issues as quickly as possible and encourage an improvement in individual conduct or performance.
Management are under a duty to establish standards of discipline; Members and employees are entitled to expect fair, just, and consistent treatment.
2.18 Counselling
In the initial stages of what could potentially turn out to be a disciplinary matter management must first consider whether an informal counselling process would be more effective. In some cases, the right word, at the right time, may be a more satisfactory method of dealing with a breach of the rules than the formal disciplinary procedure.
Counselling will take the form of a "gentle word in the ear" normally by the employee who is responsible for the area or facility within Glasgow Sculpture Studios within which the breach of rules has taken place. The Member or employee will be given every opportunity to state his or her case as part of the discussion with Management. This discussion will however, require to be recorded as a reminder of the outcome of the conversation.
In most circumstances Management will endeavour to resolve minor issues of breach of discipline by counselling the Member or employee concerned, however where this fails, the practice will invoke full disciplinary procedures. Counselling should not be confused with a formal verbal warning under the disciplinary procedure.
2.19 Investigation of breach of Code of Conduct or Equal Opportunities Policy
All offences relating to the above will, under the formal Disciplinary Procedure be thoroughly investigated to establish the facts. At each stage of this procedure the individual will be given the opportunity of stating his or her case at an investigatory meeting before any decision is reached about action to be taken.
Two members of the Management will conduct the investigation, maintaining fairness and impartiality throughout.
The management will, as soon as possible, arrange a meeting between themselves, the parties involved, and any other member of staff concerned, to discuss the problem. This will include ensuring that each witness statement and all of the evidence is carefully checked. The statements of the Member or employee who is under investigation will be carefully noted and investigated and at each stage Management will take every opportunity to ensure that the all of the facts of the matter are clear and have been examined properly.
At this meeting the management has the authority to temporarily suspend the complained-against member(s) for up to two working weeks from Glasgow Sculpture Studios.
Following the outcome of the investigation, the Member or employee will be informed as to whether disciplinary action is required and will be given prior notice of any requirement to attend a disciplinary hearing. A minimum of 24 hours notice will be given to allow them to prepare for the disciplinary hearing.
This disciplinary hearing must take place within these two working weeks, with representatives from the Board of Directors and all parties involved present. For the purpose of this hearing a quorum of three Board members will be sufficient. At this hearing, the Board will decide what further action will be taken – if any. The Board has the absolute right to determine if a complained-against Member is to be barred from the premises permanently.
2.20 Potential Disciplinary Action
Disciplinary action falls into one of the following categories:
Verbal Warning: The member or employee will be advised that his or her standard of conduct or performance has been unacceptable. The required standard will be outlined and a monitoring procedure may be implemented. The warning and details of any monitoring procedure will be given verbally and subsequently confirmed in writing.
Written Warning: The procedure followed will be the same as for a Verbal Warning.
Final Written Warning: The procedure followed will be the same as above. On this occasion the Member or employee will be advised, in writing, that a failure to improve the standard of conduct or performance will result in termination of Membership/contract of employment
Termination of Membership: A termination of membership occurs when the Company terminates the right to access Glasgow Sculpture Studios facilities or resources, either with or without notice.
The disciplinary action taken will be determined by the severity of the offence. For relatively minor offences the procedure will normally commence with a Verbal Warning and progress through the stages, eventually arriving at dismissal.
Glasgow Sculpture Studios may decide, however, to commence the procedure at the Written Warning stage or even Final Written Warning stage if the offence is serious enough.
In cases of gross misconduct, Glasgow Sculpture Studios will normally move directly to the Termination of Membership/contract of employment stage of the procedure.
Members and employees have the right to appeal against any disciplinary action taken against them in accordance with the Appeal Procedure.
All appeals must be made in writing no later than the end of the third working day after the disciplinary decision was notified in writing to the Member or employee. The first of these three working days is the day on which the Member or employee received written confirmation of the disciplinary decision.
The written appeal should be submitted to the Chairman of the Board of Directors who will either hold the appeal hearing personally or alternatively who may nominate two Directors who were not involved in the previous proceedings.
An appeal hearing will be organised and held as quickly as possible, and, in any event, within seven working days of the date on which the appeal was submitted. The member or employee will be entitled to attend the appeal hearing and will be given an opportunity to state his or her case.
The findings of the appeal hearing will be notified within three working days of the hearing.
The decision at this stage will be final.
Members or employees are entitled to be accompanied by a fellow Member/employee at all stages of the procedure.
2.21 Grievance Procedure
Where a Member or employee has a grievance relating to any aspects of his or her entitlements as a member of Glasgow Sculpture Studios, he or she should first discuss the grievance with a member the Management, who will attempt to resolve the situation within five working days.
Where the matter is not resolved at the conclusion of the first stage of this procedure, the Member or employee may refer the grievance to the Board in writing, who will consider the matter and attempt to resolve it within a further 10 working days.
The decision at this stage will be final.
At each stage of the procedure a meeting will be held to enable the Member or employee to give full details of his or her grievance.
All meetings provided for in this procedure will be arranged as quickly as possible. It is the intention of the procedure to resolve any issues raised at the earliest opportunity. While every effort will be made by Glasgow Sculpture Studios to settle issues within the time limits indicated, this may not be possible on occasions. In these circumstances an extension of time may be arranged.
At all stages of the procedure the Member or employee is entitled to be accompanied by a fellow Member/employee.