Alex Impey

Alex Impey’s practice consists of sculptural installation and writing, as means to produce speculations on how importance is organised. Taking as a guiding principal the notion of second-order observation, the observation of an observation, attempts are made to transpose dynamics structuring a search for meaning into arranged form. The material gestures of the work act to replace the dispersion of associative movement by proliferations of internal detail. As a series of contractions and depletions, Impey’s work tries to render physical and emotional a sense of the potentiality sacrificially excluded by decision.

Alex Impey has an MFA from Glasgow School of Art, 2011 and a BA from Slade School of Fine Art, 2005.  Solo exhibitions have been David Dale Gallery, Glasgow (2014), Orangutan, Glasgow Sculpture Studios (2012) and sic! Raum fur Kunst, Lucerne, Switzerland (2012). Group exhibitions include 2HB: What we make with words, CCA, Glasgow (2011) and Transmission, Glasgow (2011).  Impey was 2011-12 Glasgow Sculpture Studios Gordon Foundation Graduate Fellow.